About Us
On January 2016 we were on our way to Washington, D.C. For the march for life – our cars were packed, and our hotel rooms were booked. The night before we left, I received a message from a pro-lifer who was to speak in Washington, D.C. At the march. She told me not to come because a huge snow storm was taking over the D.C. Area and many who were there were already leaving.
Many buses from the New York area canceled, and so many pro-lifers were disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to attend the march.
I began to pray and the Lord answered me. He spoke to my heart and told me to have a March For Life New York. This was on January 24, 2016. I began to work day and night, and on April 30, 2016, we had our first March For Life New York!
Since then we have grown to over three thousand marchers, rallying at the New York State Capitol building. We begin the march at the children’s memorial, inside the empire state plaza, and march to the back porch of the Capitol building, where we have prayer and worship, and amazing pro-life speakers.
We give all the glory to God, and we are so thankful for all that Jesus has done to help us proclaim the message of life. Please join us as continue to fight for the unborn, and all those who need protection from the culture of death that has invaded our nation!

An Idea Was Born
January 24, 2016
When, due to the storm for the March For Life in Washington D.C, Pastor Joni Lupis could not attend the March for Life, she prayed to the Lord, who instructed her to start the first ever March For Life in New York.
Planning Begins
March - April 2016
A small band of proud, pro-life warriors starts planning this March for Life
Lots of different pro-life groups came down to help us with the March, such as Pro Bikers For Life, Long Island Coalition For Life, Life Center of Long Island, The Remnant Awakening, and many churches from all over the Long Island area. Even the Save The Storks people came all the way from Colorado to help us with our March. All of these groups were a huge help and truly blessed us with their presence.

First March For Life
June 6th, 2016
Our First March Occurs on the streets of Long Island. Attendance exceeds all expectations. More people reach out to become involved.
Marches 2 - 4
Lots of different pro-life groups came down to help us with the March, such as Pro Bikers For Life, Long Island Coalition For Life, Life Center of Long Island, The Remnant Awakening, and many churches from all over the Long Island area. Even the Save The Storks people came all the way from Colorado to help us with our March. All of these groups were a huge help and truly blessed us with their presence.
5th Annual March
May 18th, 2020
New Abortion laws in New York are expanding, not eliminating legal abortion. Join us to stop these pernicious laws and end abortion in New York, the United States, and the world!
The Leaders

Pastor Joni Lupis
Pastor Joni is the President and Director of March for life N.Y. She is a Pro-Life Activist and Co-Pastor of Grace & Truth Church. She believes in the sanctity of all life, that all life comes from God, and that every unborn baby should have the opportunity to receive this precious gift of life. She founded M.F.L.N.Y. to fight against abortion and to help the many women and men who have suffered from the tragic after effects brought on by abortion.

Andy White
Vice President

Pastor Jim Lupis
Secretary Treasurer