Save New York March Oct 10th

Pro-God, Pro-Life, Pro-Police, Pro First Amendment, Pro America Voices For Seniors, Back The Men & Women In Blue Worship By Catskill Mountain Christian Center

March For Life NY Banquet Dinner

Banquet Dinner August 29th 2019 Villa Lombardi, Holbrook Ny Days Hours Minutes Seconds Register WHat Is This? The banquet Dinner is a source of comradery and funding for the March For Life NY to ensure it can continue in its operations. Please join us at Villa Lombardi’s, 877 Main St. Holbrook NY 11741. Chris Slattery […]


Joseph M. Scheidler is National Director of the Pro-Life Action League, a national pro-life educational and activist organization headquartered in Chicago. Joe left a career in public relations to become a full-time pro-life activist shortly after the U. S. Supreme Court issued its Roe v. Wade opinion in 1973. When his brand of on-the-streets direct […]


The Remnant Awakening was birthed during a prayer meeting at Grace & Truth Church. Its purpose was to take a stand for the Word of God, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a Nation that has fallen away from the truth of God’s Word. The Remnant Awakening desires to hold fast to their […]

To all of our Pro-Life Friends

We thank you for all the work you do to defend the lives of the unborn. Just as E. A. Bucchianeri said, “Abortion should be listed as a weapon of mass destruction against the voiceless.” We at March For Life New York have prayerfully set the following goals: 1.     To teach the masses about the crime of […]

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 “Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” William Penn       Please speak out for life!   “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.”                                                                                            James,1:22   “If I say to the wicked man, you shall surely die; […]